Updates 10/09/2024 01:23
- Added Mueseum(WIP)
- Changed Playlist
- UnExpanded box width(your welcome mobile users)
Updates 10/05/2024 01:58
- Added WiiRing code!!
- Expanded box width(sorry mobile users)
- Fall theme still needs updating
Updates 10/01/2024 21:30
- Fixed class "" errors in code, as well as any unmatched tags
- Updated To Do list
- Fall theme still needs updating
Updates 10/01/2024 00:07
- Fixed the floating main boxes problem, didnt find what casued the problem but Oh Well! Its still Fixed!!
- Fall theme needs updating and uploading soon...
- Media log updated with sidebars and fixed boxes
Updates 09/29/2024 22:14
- Fixed media log sidebar.... i was missing a div:(
Updates 09/29/2024 22:12
- Media Log updated, Im not sure how, but the main boxes dont start at the top for some reason
and the sidebar goes all the way down the page which is weird, cause it doesnt do that anywhere else
- Fall theme created(ish), but not showcased
- Site start date added to homepage
- Changed titles and timecodes of changelogs
Updates 09/29/2024 11:11
- Changelog created
- Homepage-Aboutme created